Saturday, July 5, 2008

Guitar FX Compressor

So I started working on a compressor for my pedalboard today. The design I'm using is based off of the MXR Dynacomp. The PCB I used is from the wonderful people at General Guitar Gadgets. They have great service and support so if you are looking for a PCB they are a great place to start.

The PCB came in today so I fired up the soldering iron and got to work populating the board. I will let the pictures do most of the talking.

The board with all of the resistors and jumpers soldered in.

Next the Film Caps.

The board fully populated (sans the IC). All I have to do now is do all of the offboard wiring and stick it in a box. I hope I can get that done tomorrow, because right now I'm tired of smelling burning solder.

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