Monday, October 6, 2008

The weekend review

So after the weekend this is what remains of my list:

Not bad really.

I got to experience what engineering is really about on Saturday. Some of the Business Majors at school came to me and asked me to design a product that would keep steam from building on the bathroom mirror during a hot shower (they had other stipulations such as making it 100% efficient and costing less then a dollar to build but you get the idea). I put off working on it until Saturday morning when I rolled out of bed, walked to the bathroom and decided that it would be a good idea to do a proof of concept. I took a hot shower and thoroughly steamed up the bathroom. Then I took Rex's hairdryer and started using it on the mirror, thinking that this would cause the mirror to de-fog. Much to my delight it worked. Not only did it work, but it worked amazingly well. Inspired by this new discovery I proceeded to go to breakfast. As I was getting my cereal the Business Majors approached me and very bluntly said that they had dropped the project and moved on to something else. Thus I had my first real experience with engineering. That is to say that I experienced complete and utter defeat.

1 comment:

Andra Beth said...

okay so i love how i can see what you're listening to on your itunes in your pictures...and i also like how it says "write letter to girlfriend"