Friday, November 21, 2008

This started out as simple thoughts but it just kinda snowballed

November is a little over halfway done and I am already ready to shave my face again. The neck beard is really starting to bother me. I know when my mom sees me she is going to tell me I look gross.

I finally get to see my little sister play some basketball tomorrow which is going to be really fun. Then she and the rest of my family gets to see me play ultimate on Saturday which will also be fun.

The new Ben Folds album is really good. It is something of a departure from his older stuff, but if you like Ben Folds then you should listen to it.

I have recently learned that demons no longer take over human beings but instead are now taking up residence in computers. This is very detrimental to the act of making computers work as a whole.

Last Wednesday I got to go to a factory where they make PVC, for my material science class. It was really informative; I now know that I never want to work making PVC pipe.

I have realized that I should not blog. There are people out there who have quirky personalities, or who travel, or who simply live an interesting life. I have realized that I don't have any of those things. Thus why do I write my trivial thoughts about my life? I already know what is going on in it. It isn't like I need to write it down for my benefit; I'm living it. Yet somehow I am compelled to put fingers to keyboard and write down my random thoughts and simple musings. Why are humans drawn to this concept? There has to be some underlying feeling of global importance to write in this medium. Inversely, how very creepy and voyeuristic is the concept of actually searching out and reading said medium? Why is there some strange appeal to know complete strangers thoughts on global politics, religion, and the soup they had today? Why is there a need for instant access into other peoples minds? Is this access healthy for humans, or are we pulling the metaphorical trigger of the gun pointed straight at the head of human interaction?


Andra Beth said...

okay I will comment on the majority of topics above...

first of all..don't shave until AFTER i get to see that thing on your face :)

second...i hope you have an AMAZING time with your family this weekend and do excellent at the tournament.

your things about demons made me laugh.

lastly...I think you should blog. I, personally like to read about your "trivial thoughts about life". Your random thoughts and simple musings make me laugh and are another way for me to get to know you better while i'm gone...and lastly...don't read strangers blogs..that is creepy.

well, that is my response to your plethora of random thoughts. i can't wait to talk to you next. (18 days left as of today!)

Andra Beth said...

sorry... 18 days left till i see you...not till i talk to you next.

Anonymous said...

This was a very good post Chris. I would say definitely shave before I get there but I see that Andra doesn't want you to - so I'll leave that up to you.

We can't wait to see you this weekend and watch you play Ultimate. I'll take pictures and you can select a non-dorky one for me to post on my blog.

It's just as important to know what you *don't* want to do as it is to know what you do want to do.

I like reading your blog. Seriously, I've had some of the same thoughts. It's a brave new world that we are entering. I think throughout time people have always been compelled to keep a record of their lives, people have always kept diaries, they've journaled, this is just a different medium in which to do that.

But, yeah, you have to keep a balance. I need friends with skin, whose voices I recognize, who would know me if they saw me in a store. It's, as always, all about balance.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if you don't shave - I won't tell you that you look gross. I won't say a word about it.

Andra Beth said...

okay if you want to shave i understand...but, please take a picture first :)...